Sunday 26 December 2010

Myocardial ischemia in older patients

Which of the following symptoms is more likely to represent myocardial ischemia in older patients?
  • A) Chest pain
  • B) Dyspnea
  • C) Diaphoresis
  • D) Back pain
  • E) Jaw pain

Answer and Discussion

The answer is B.
Exertional angina (chest pain) is the most common manifestation of myocardial ischemia in young and middle-age persons. Because of their more sedentary lifestyle or possibly a difference in pathophysiology, this may not be true in elderly patients. Instead of exertional chest pain, ischemia may be more commonly manifested as dyspnea in elderly patients. Other elderly patients with CAD may be completely asymptomatic, although silent ischemia may be demonstrated by stress testing or Holter monitoring.

Instead of exertional chest pain, ischemia may be more commonly manifested as dyspnea in elderly patients.

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