Friday 26 November 2010

3- D ultrasound image WOW !!

These 3 dimensional ultrasound images show various pathologies of the urinary bladder, providing a whole new "dimension" to sonographic imaging.

3- D ultrasound image of ureterocele:
The Rt. ureterocele is seen as a small sac bulging in from the posterior wall of the bladder.

3-D ultrasound image of bladder diverticulum:
A small right sided vesical diverticulum. (UB= urinary bladder)

Vesical calculus:
This 3-D ultrasound image of a vesical calculus shows that 3-D imaging must be used in conjunction with 2-D B-mode imaging to identify pathology. This bladder calculus is difficult to distinguish from (see topmost image) ureterocele purely on 3-D ultrasound. Perhaps a cross sectional image would show the internal structure better. (All images courtesy of Ravi Kadasne, MD, UAE).

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